In this fascinating and informative interview with Yaakov M, Rav Yitzchak Breitowitz, Maggid Shiur and Rav of Yeshiva Ohr Sameach, offers analysis and clarity on many contemporary issues including:

May women wear a lace-top sheitel?

Should frum magazines and newspapers include pictures of women?

What is the real reason that publications nowadays don't publish women?

Are we hurting women unfairly by not publishing their pictures?

Thoughts on the banning of the sefer 'Pshuto Shel Mikra'

Is Charedi society these days more prone to banning things than in the past?

Should we support a law that bans abortion?

Should we vote Republicans because they support Jewish values?

How old is the Universe?

Much more


HaRav Yitzchok Breitowitz, (Rav of Kehillos Ohr Somayach), after a distinguished career as a Rav in Silver Spring, Maryland and as a world-renowned lecturer and rabbinic authority, made aliya to Eretz Yisrael and joined the Ohr Somayach faculty as a senior lecturer. He was ordained by the Ner Israel Rabbinical College in 1976 and is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University and Harvard Law School (JD, 1979, Magna Cum Laude). In addition to his rabbinical position, he was a tenured professor of law at the University of Maryland specializing in contracts, commercial law and medical ethics.