In this exclusive interview, renowned Charedi Israeli journalist Yanki Farber described the huge shifts happening in Bnei Brak and other communities, following the Hamas attack.

Yanki explained that the unspeakable and unprecedented October 7th attack sent a ripple effect throughout the Charedi community. Charedim may be ready to embrace the IDF like never before.

He also provided new details and analysis about the attack, which were revealed or discovered in the past few days.

Yanki discussed the following:

How are Charedim coping with this tragedy?

Why is this attack impacting Charedim personally much more than past attacks?

Will the tremendous unity last?

Will the attack prevent the Knesset from passing a law exempting Yeshiva students from the draft?

Will thousands of Charedim enlist in the army in coming days?

Which Gedolim do the Litvishe Charedim look to for guidance right now?

Why did Charedim begin to read (kosher) internet and news sites during COVID?