What is the Software & Information industry Association?

Attorney Steve explains this industry tradegroup that monitors and enforces the intellectual property rights (i.e. copyrights) of its member companies and engages legal counsel to send out what's known as "voluntary audit letters" from regional law firms who then seek to have your company audits its books and records and submit valid proofs of purchase and licensing evidence to prove that you are paying for the software you are using to run your business.  If not, if you are "short" in your licensing, these IP lawyers will normally seek to force you into a settlement to pay for past infringing conduct, whcih they may refere to as "software piracy" or "copyroght ingringement."

Our copyright law firms helps both copyright holders and those accused of ifnringement and so this podcast will help you understand the basics of who the SIIA is.  If you need help in a defending your business calll us at (877) 276-5084 or visit our Software Law Super Resource Center (link provided below).  


1.  VIDEO -- What you need to know about SIIA software audits

2.  Tips to respond to a BSA or SIIA audit

3.  POWERPOINT - Specific tips on handling case with Software & Information Industry Association