Intellectual Property Issues on the Internet - Beware of illegal file sharing of movies, videos, games, comics and software

IP litigation attorney Steve Vondran discusses the rise in Bittorrent related lawsuits and notices of copyright infringement to ISP's seeking name and address to add a subscriber to a DOE lawsuit.  These cases appear to be on the rise and if you received a subpoena notice from your internet service provider, you should contact a p2p attorney ASAP.

These cases are broughts as federal copyright infringement cases and can be brought in any federal court in the United States.  If you are named as a DOE DEFENDANT it is usually best to seek legal advice, bearing in mind that "willful copyright infirngement" cases can lead to monetary damages of $150,000 per infringed (illlegally downloaded and shared movies) work.  

Many cases are now being brought by companies such as Malibu Media, and movie titles such as Dallas Buyers Club and London Has Fallen."

Listen to this general legal information prodcast from Attorney Steve, and if you have specific questions about your case, contact us at (877) 276-5084 for a free general consultation.  We can help companies and individuals from around the United States who are facing federal copyright demand letters.  

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