Attorney Steve® - Software Piracy Essentials - The Hexagon/Vero software infringement letter

Getting a legal demand letter from Hexagon is no fun.  You may also get a direct phone call from one of their representatives.  When this happens, my BIGGEST TIP is HANG UP THE PHONE. Don't talk to them and admit infringement of their software before you talk with a copyright lawyer.  We have handled hundreds of software audits since our founding in 2004, and this includes companies such as:
SiemensAutodeskVB ConversionSynopsisMicrosoftAdobeHegaxon/VeroAnsysPTCBentley softwareSolidworks
And others.  Given this experience, we have become one of the tops (IF NOT THE TOP) software infringement defense law firm in the United States.  You can review our resource page and YouTube channel, which show our vast experience in this niche area of copyright law.  If you need help with a EULA licensing issue or are accused of a Legends Never Die privacy, call us at (877) 276-5084.

Our YouTube Page: 

Our Software Audit Resource Page: