Attorney Steve® Copyright Law Essentials - Photo Infringement - Fair use with low-resolution thumbnail?

In this exciting episode of Vondran Legal Hour, Steve Vondran, Esq., discusses a 9th circuit "photo infringement" case where a photographer's copyrighted image was used as a "thumbnail" in low-resolution.  The photographer considered this to be copyright infringement and sued.  Defendant raised the affirmative defense of "fair use."  Who should win?  

If you received a legal demand letter from PicRights, ImageRights, Higbee and Associates, Reuters, Agence-France-Presse, AP, or other rights holders demanding settlement fees for copyright infringement, call us to get an evaluation of your case.  There is a low fee to review but call for more details at (877) 276-5084.

Our firm is a leader in the area of copyright infringement defense.  We represent individuals and corporations accused of copyright infringement of movies, photos, images, videos, music, jewelry, computer fonts, architectural plans, and other creative works that are subject to copyright infringement.

We are a leader in the area of software audits (ex. Vero, Solidworks, Microsoft, Autodesk, and others).  Also, we represent more California residences facing Federal Court litigation in Strike 3 Holdings, LLC cases (adult movie file-sharing) than any other firm in California.  Make sure to check out our exciting YouTube law channel (now over 32,700 subscribers and over 3.5. million video views), by going to  Make sure to SUBSCRIBE!!!