Demsystifying California Civil Code Section 1542 release agreements

California litigation attorney Steve Vondran discusses the 1542 general release that pops up in business, real estate, personal injury and intellectual property settlements in CA.  From settling a wrongful foreclosure case to a copyright or breach of contract, a settlement agreement will normally ask you to "waive all your claims whether known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, and waive any and all rights under section 1542."  The Vondran Legal Hour podcast show discusses what the waiver of 1542 civil code is, and how to be careful in reviewing your settlement agreements.  You should contact us for a low flat rate fee legal consultation:

1.  Before you sign any settlement agreements;

2.  Before you think about filing a new state or federal lawsuit where you have previously waived section 1542 rights.

It's very important to understand that there can be grounds to try to "break," "bust" or "invalidate" 1542 release including (fraud, economic duress, mistake, misapprehension, bad timing, financial elder abuse) and others.  Steve Vondran, the business and real estate lawyer touches on these in this litigation warrior podcast.