San Diego | Los Angeles | Orange County | San Francisco - Malibu media defense cases.

Bittorent Defense Atty Steve Vondran discusses what happens when you get a notice of subpoena from your ISP, or property manager, and it appears you are facing a lawsuit for illegally downloading and sharing adult ographic movies online via an internet swarm.  The P2p (peer-to-peer) file sharing websites make it easier to share digital content with your friends and family, but it could also lead to a claim that you are willfully infringing their IP and that you should be held liable for a $150,000 monetary damage award (plus pay the movie studios attorney fees), because you illegally violated one of the exclusive rights of a federal copyright holder.  The more movies you downloaded or shared, the worse off you could be.  The situtation is always worsened if you or your parents have assets worth going after (like equity in their property, 401k, money in the bank, etc.).

It is important to consider taking swift action to protect your legal rights. Your first best step is to contact our intellectual property law firm and we can help with a free initial consultation that could help you get a better handle on the situation.  Whether the illegal digital content involves boks, photos, movies, software, games, comics, songs, etc., we can help you chart out a legal defense strategy.  We can be reached at (877) 276-5084.  In most cases (ex. non litigation) we can offer low flat rate fees.  We handle federal copyright infringement cases and software audits nationwide.


1.  Attorney Steve in Chambers discussing Malibu Media case