Attorney Steve® IPTV Defense - Understanding Dish-Nagrastar Settlement Terms - The "Cooperation Clause"

Dish/Nagrastar are going over illegal "resellers" of their copyright protected content and sending demand letters for people charged, in many cases, of being part of a "criminal organization."  They have a anti-piracy team set up to investigate and pursue violators and seek penalties, fines and fees.  In these cases, it is critical to seek legal representation especially since they can be alleging that you committed a CRIME.  This is no laughin matter and there was a new streaming piracy law that came out last year making this a crime, so you should NOT talk to anyong execpt a lawyer as your own statements, emails and text messages can be used aginst you in a Court of law.  

This podcast discusses various settlement concepts and the all-important "cooperation clause."  If you received a cease and desist letter, or monetary demand letter or notice of a lawsuit, call us at (877) 276-5084.  We handle piracy cases including Dish-Nagrastar, IPTV cases, Strike 3 Holdings BitTorrent Defense and similar matters.   Our website is