Software License Compliance Essentials - Understanding the "voluntary audit."

In this exciting episode of Vondran Legal Hour, Attorney Steve - fresh from the software trenches - discusses the so called "volutnary" audit demand which usually comes with a not-so-subtle threat of a federal copyright lawsuit and $150,000 in monetary damages, plus attorney fees.  Are these audits really voluntary?  Can you just "opt out" and not respond?  What happens if you do?  

If you received a demand letter from a law firm asking you to engage in a company wide audit of all laptops, servers and computer workstations, make sure you call us first to make sure you know your legal rights.  If you decide to engage, you will be negotiating with experienced commercial collection attorneys with a strong working knowledge of the federal copyright laws.

Call us at (877) 276-5084 to speak with an intellectual property lawyer, or visit our tremedous Audit Resource Center at