Brother Jack and Brother Sean just returned from Northern Nigeria, an area where it’s very dangerous to be a Christian; an area where radical Islamic group Boko Haram is active.

“You can’t be a pastor, you can’t be a believer, without Boko Haram knowing who you are in these areas,” says Jack. Christians in the area have seen their homes and churches targeted, while Muslim homes even right next door aren’t bothered in Boko Haram attacks.

Jack and Sean will also share about persecution by Fulani Muslims in Nigeria, and how that persecution is coordinated with Boko Haram attacks.

In the midst of what is often a war zone, brave Christian pastors are boldly ministering for Jesus Christ and building His church. Often times they must send their families to someplace safer while they continue to minister in the hostile areas. Yet without their bold faithfulness, thousands of Christians would lose their pastors.

Listen to how these pastors’ sermons have been changed by their personal experience with persecution. Be encouraged this week by the stories of how the Body of Christ is standing firm in Nigeria, even amidst tragedy, loss and hunger. You’ll also be equipped, as you listen, to pray specifically for our brothers and sisters in Nigeria.