The human level of blockbusters and video games. This week, no one played Reigns of Catsamere at Katey’s wedding, so she’s back in the hot seat, Da7e’s hot-seat, since that guy isn’t around. David probes Dark Souls the video game along with his own dark soul to discover what – if anything – the co-op […]

The human level of blockbusters and video games.

This week, no one played Reigns of Catsamere at Katey’s wedding, so she’s back in the hot seat, Da7e’s hot-seat, since that guy isn’t around. David probes Dark Souls the video game along with his own dark soul to discover what – if anything – the co-op system has in common with movies. The group picks their favorite post-Jurassic Park summer movies before delving into a conversation on whether summer blockbusters really need characters. Do half-baked pawns stand in the way of true spectacle?

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@kateyrich) Patches (@misterpatches), and David (@davidehrlich or @CriterionCorner).

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00:00 – 01:10: Lightning Round: TV Stars to Film!

01:10  – 02:50:   Intro: Welcome To Episode 22! Thanks for the review! 

02:50- 16:03:  Da7e Tidbit: Defining Spider-Man through absence

16:03 – 24:34 – Mini-Segment: Favorite Blockbusters

24:34 – 42:08 – Segment 3 – Disaster!

42:08 – 44:43  Outro

This week’s music:

“22” by Taylor Swift

“Monsters” by Eclectic Method


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