Plus The Godzilla Legacy and 2014 Top Movie Trivia This week, Da7e returns and demands everyone spend a few more minutes talking about Gareth Edwards’ Godzilla and how it fits into the grander tradition of Godzilla movies now that we know there will be a sequel. Then, Katey has devised a round of trivia comprised […]

Plus The Godzilla Legacy and 2014 Top Movie Trivia

This week, Da7e returns and demands everyone spend a few more minutes talking about Gareth Edwards’ Godzilla and how it fits into the grander tradition of Godzilla movies now that we know there will be a sequel. Then, Katey has devised a round of trivia comprised of quotes from the Top 20 Box Office hits of 2014. You’ll be surprised what’s made it up there. Finally, all four hosts discuss binge watching and how it’s transformed our view. That plus a lighting round question about dream duos that have duo’d poorly in the past.

Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us on Twitter: follow the show (@FITWR), Katey (@kateyrich) Patches (@misterpatches), Da7e (@Da7e) and David (@davidehrlich or @CriterionCorner).

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00:00 – 01:16: Lightning Round: Duos That Could Duo Better?

01:16  – 01:46:   Intro: Welcome To Episode 23! 

01:46- 14:40:  Da7e Tidbit: Da7eZilla

14:40 – 22:25 – Mini-Segment: Katey’s Cine-Quote Madness Trivia Round

22:25 – 42:23 – Segment 3 – Binging Stories

42:23 – 46:46  Outro

This week’s music:

“Do You Know Where Your Children Are” by Michael Jackson

“Fancy” by Iggy Azalea


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