Volatility Views 25: Skewness and Kurtosis

Volatility Review: Metals and gold vol. Euro vol review: Don talks about the recommendations he had made to sell the Euro VolContracts a week ago Thursday, and where they settled this past Friday - a product rich in volatility. S&P, Nasdaq, and commodity vol review. Plus, Mark Sebastian's volatility review.

Volatility Viewpoint: A quick primer on mean, median, standard deviation, skew-ness, and kurtosis of distributions, and why we don't remove the mean for vol calculations. Plus, explaining negative market skew-ness, leptokurtic behavior of stock prices, etc. As always, we keep it easy to understand and non-intimidating.

Mailbag: Captain Options asks, "Given the explosion of popularity in weekly options, I'm curious if Mark & Don think there is room for short-term realized volatility products. Would a weekly realized vol product even make sense at this point given the short time frame of the product? Can you generate a worthwhile calculation of volatility in such a short time frame?"

Crystal Ball: S&P, Nasdaq, and commodity Vol outlook. Euro VolContracts outlook. What's coming up at VolX and Option Pit?