Puerto Rico - Part Two (Part One, Occupy Colony)
Record Date: 10/23/2017

Co-host: David Callihan

Guests:   Nicholas M. Apostol "...directed the flow and control of humanitarian supplies in the relief effort following the earthquake in1986...."

Rodrigo Masses

"The Spirit to Rebuild Puerto Rico Is Coming From Its People"

Colonial Empire echo - British prohibited non-British ships (Thread)
"Techastrophy noun. a major catastrophe caused by technology
"Puerto Rico’s Not-So-Natural Disaster"
"If people start to die, who the hell is responsible?"
'Maria disrupted production at Puerto Rican factories making drugs; hospitals are seeing shortages...."


Puerto Rico – Part Two (Part One, Occupy Colony)

Record Date: 10/23/2017

Co-host: David Callihan

Guests:   Nicholas M. Apostol “…directed the flow and control of humanitarian supplies in the relief effort following the earthquake in1986….”

Rodrigo Masses

“The Spirit to Rebuild Puerto Rico Is Coming From Its People”

Colonial Empire echo – British prohibited non-British ships (Thread)

Techastrophy noun. a major catastrophe caused by technology

“Puerto Rico’s Not-So-Natural Disaster

“If people start to die, who the hell is responsible?”


‘Maria disrupted production at Puerto Rican factories making drugs; hospitals are seeing shortages….”


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