Record Date: 9/4/2017

Guest: Dilyana Gaytandzhiev
Leaked Documents Purport To Show How The U.S., Gulf Countries Ship Weapons To Terrorists Using Diplomatic Flight Cover
Note: This is an ongoing problem. "In 2017, there were 5 flights...."
"The New Silk Road Will Go Through Syria"
"War-ravaged Syria faces permanent split, warns ex-CIA chief David Petraeus"
ExxonMobil, Kochs, Israel Pushing Washington To Partition Iraq And Syria

Confirmation: "CNN Caught Creating Fake News Again: Adding Words To Syrian Witness’ Statement To Fit...Narrative"

"#Soros just called me a liar about 350 diplomatic flights with weapons for terrorists in #Syria, #Yemen. I will take it as a compliment."

Intriguing article confirming the Silk Way investigation in principle, while focusing on disputing a few details of the story. Sometimes, when a story can't be disproved, efforts will focus on discrediting. Their story seems to be an eerie echo of intense criticism leading to wrecking the life and career of a now vindicated reporter, Gary Webb.

"The World Food Organization (WFP) is scaling up its assistance to respond to the growing needs in a country caught in the midst of a full-fledged humanitarian crisis."

"She had reported that Islamic State militants had crossed from Turkey into Syria on trucks bearing the symbols of the World Food Organisation and other NGOs."

Record Date: 9/4/2017

Guest: Dilyana Gaytandzhiev

Leaked Documents Purport To Show How The U.S., Gulf Countries Ship Weapons To Terrorists Using Diplomatic Flight Cover

Note: This is an ongoing problem. “In 2017, there were 5 flights….”

“The New Silk Road Will Go Through Syria”
“War-ravaged Syria faces permanent split, warns ex-CIA chief David Petraeus”
ExxonMobil, Kochs, Israel Pushing Washington To Partition Iraq And Syria

Confirmation: “CNN Caught Creating Fake News Again: Adding Words To Syrian Witness’ Statement To Fit…Narrative”

“#Soros just called me a liar about 350 diplomatic flights with weapons for terrorists in #, #. I will take it as a compliment.”

Intriguing article confirming the Silk Way investigation in principle, while focusing on disputing a few details of the story. Sometimes, when a story can’t be disproved, efforts will focus on discrediting. Their story seems to be an eerie echo of intense criticism leading to wrecking the life and career of a now vindicated reporter, Gary Webb.

“The World Food Organization (WFP) is scaling up its assistance to respond to the growing needs in a country caught in the midst of a full-fledged humanitarian crisis.”

“She had reported that Islamic State militants had crossed from Turkey into Syria on trucks bearing the symbols of the World Food Organisation and other NGOs.”

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