This week police in Kenosha, WI, shot an unarmed Black man named Jacob Blake multiple times in the back at close range, right in front of his three children. Blake is alive, but paralyzed from the waist down.
Since then, unrest has erupted throughout the city, with young residents demonstrating nightly for justice.
Things took an even more horrifying turn Tuesday night, when armed, white vigilantes came out to 'defend' local businesses. They appeared to work arm-in-arm with police, who gave them water, thanked them and did not enforce the curfew on them. One gunman, a 17-year-old from Antioch, IL, named Kyle Rittenhouse, shot three demonstrators--killing two.
Demonstrations have once more popped up throughout the nation, with two taking place Thursday evening here in Sacramento. Before the protests, Mayor Steinberg released a statement in support of the early one in Caesar Chavez Plaza, but quaking in his boots over the one scheduled at 8 pm, which has been elevated on a Facebook group titled Antifa Sacramento.
Not to be outdone by Mayor Steinberg or the anti-fascists, Sacramento County Supervisor Sue Frost released a Facebook statement of her own that appeared to advocate for violence against the demonstrators. She's since edited it, but here is the original, now deleted text:
"If we don't start taking back peaceful control of our streets, then we are going to see the same kind of rioting as Portland, Minneapolis, and other cities."
Strikes us as a bit authoritarian, even for one of the Darth Susans.
Also on the episode: A brief update on COVID in California from VOICES: River City's resident epidemiologist.

Thanks for listening, the California Highway Patrol must face consequences for killing Eric Salgado and, as always:


Twitter: @youknowkempa@guillotine4you@ShanNDSTevens@Flojaune

And thank you to Be Brave Bold Robot for the tunes.

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