This episode doesn't cover George Floyd, but the next one sure as hell will. We recorded before demonstrators in Minneapolis wrested a police station from cops and burned it down, before the cop who killed Floyd was arrested, and before some 2,500 Sacramento demonstrators marched for him, raising a #BlackLivesMatter flag on the pole outside a Sacramento police precinct Friday evening. Tune in Tuesday for more on all of that.

We do cover a long overdue lawsuit brought forth by homeless advocacy groups against multiple city and county leaders, including Mayor Darrell Steinberg, County Supervisor Phil Serna, Sacramento Police Chief Daniel Hahn, Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones and public health officials. Many people experiencing homelessness have experienced police harassment and illegal sweeps, and they're seeking justice.

We also discuss the deep-seated racism at the #ReopenCalifornia protests.

Thanks for listening and, as always:


Twitter: @youknowkempa@guillotine4you@ShanNDSTevens@Flojaune

And thank you to Be Brave Bold Robot for the tunes.

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