Previous Episode: Over The Grape Juice

Americans at War

By Stephen Leacock

These sketches have been adapted from satirical sketches composed by Stephen Leacock about particular aspects of the First World War.

The American involvement in the First World War was very unusual in that the conflict took place far distant from American shores.

In his usual ironic fashion, Leacock chose for his subjects in the first three sketches, Americans who were generally at a safe distance from the theatre of war but were still very keen to express strong opinions about it.

The Last Man out of Europe

In the safety of their club two young men describes the harrowing story of their escape from a continent just about to plunge in war.

Narrator - Ron Altman
Parkins - Lance Rasmussen
Loo Jones - Anna Grace

The War Sacrifices of Mr. Spugg

A wealthy businessman discusses with his fellow club members the great sacrifices he has chosen to make to support the war effort.

Narrator - Anna Grace
Mr Spugg - Ron Altman
First Member - Denis Daly
Second Member - Blythe Melin
Third Member - Lance Rasmussen
President of Insurance Company - John Burlinson

The War Mania of Mr. Jinks and Mr. Blinks

As the war rages in Europe two stout gentlemen play war games in the comfort of their club. However, even this genteel combat is not without its dangers.

Narrator - Anna Grace
Mr Jinks - Joseph Tabler
Mr Blinks - Ron Altman

Over the Grape Juice; or The Peacemakers

As the First World War draws to a conclusion, a preliminary peacemakers' conference is held, involving William Jennings Bryan and a number of other political celebrities.

Listeners are warned that the President of Haiti is presented in a manner that reflected the humour of the time, but today could be considered racist.

Narrator - Michelle Marie
William Jennings Bryan - Ron Altman
Dr David Starr Jordan - Ron Altman
A Philanthropist - Blythe Melin
Mr Norman Angell - Alan Weyman
A Lady Pacificist - Anna Grace
President of Haiti - John Burlinson
An Eminent Divine - Denis Daly
The Man in the Street - Ted Wenskus
The General Public - Lance Rasmussen
Obsequious Guest - Ted Wenskus
Servant - Ted Wenskus

Texts prepared by Denis Daly.

Audio edited by Denis Daly.

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