Previous Episode: Christabel

The Telegram

by Horace Holley

Presented by The Online Stage

This is a short philosophical work, part of a collection of short plays called “Read-Aloud Plays” which were intended to discuss matters of concern to the Ba’Hai faith. This one, a play in less than 1500 words, posits questions about the relative importance of objective and subjective reality. Or something like that!

It features two gentlemen, one who is at a juncture in life where he considers two possible paths in life that depend on his receiving a telegram promising him a fortune, or not.

The other, a philosopher, calls on the man to consider whether it is the telegram, or his mental reaction to it, that is the principal cause of his potential success. He asks whether the telegram was actually needed to elicit this response…

Stage Directions - Anna Grace
Perron - Ben Lindsey-Clark
Alexandre - Denis Daly

Audio editing by Ben Lindsey-Clark

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