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The Best Humorous American Short Stories

Compiled by Alexander Jessup

Narrated by Cate Barratt, John Burlinson, Andy Harrington, and P.J.Morgan

In compiling this collection of humorous short stories by both well known and more obscure authors, Alexander Jessup applied a broad interpretation of humor; the stories span the period between 1839 and the beginning of the first World War.

This Voices of Today recording contains 16 stories.

1) The Little Frenchman and His Water Lots, by George Pope Morris
2) The Angel of the Odd, by Edgar Allan Poe
3) The Schoolmaster's Progress, by Caroline Mathilda Stansbury Kirkland
4) The Watkinson Evening, by Eliza Leslie
5)Titbottom's Spectacles, by George William Curtis
6) My Double, and How He Undid Me, by Edward Everett Hale
7) The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, by Mark Twain
8) Elder Brown's Backslide, by Harry Stillwell Edwards
9) The Hotel Experience of Mr. Pink Fluker, by Richard Malcolm Johnston
10) The Nice People, by Henry Cuyler Bunner
11) The Buller-Podington Compact, by Frank R. Stockton
12)Colonel Starbottle for the Plaintiff, by Bret Harte
13) The Duplicity of Hargraves, by O. Henry
14) Bargain Day at Tutt House, by George Randolph Chester
15) A Call, by Grace MacGowan Cooke
16) How the Widow Won the Deacon, by William J. Lampton