Previous Episode: Soul Call - Chapter 2
Next Episode: Lost Man's Lane Sample

The Soul Call
By Stephen Leacock

Presented by The Online Stage

The author describes this dramatic episode as "an up-to-date
Piffle-Play - In which a Woman and a Man, both trying to find
themselves, find each other."

He further explains:
A production like this always deals, in one way or another, with "the problem of marriage." Let it be noted that marriage, which used to be a sacrament, became presently a contract, and now a problem. In art and literature it used to constitute the happy ending. Now it's just the bad beginning.

Narrator - Michelle Jeannmard
Lionel Derwent - David Shears
Meadows - Denis Daly
Charles Chown - Andy Harrington
Helga - Amanda Friday
Mabel - Alexa Sheppard
Annette - Sarah Bacaller

Audio edited by Denis Daly

This recording may be freely downloaded and distributed, as long as the Online Stage is credited as the author. It may not be used for commercial purposes or distributed in an edited or remixed form.

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