A Jury of Her Peers
By Susan Glaspell

Presented by The Online Stage

A man is found strangled in the bed he shared with his wife while both were sleeping. The authorities come to investigate, but someone else finds the truth of the situation.

This 1917 short story was loosely based on a real-life case of murder in 1900's Iowa and is touted as one of the first truly feminist pieces of literature.

Mr. Hale: Marty Krz
Mrs. Peters: Shaina Lin Summerville
Mrs. Hale: Erin Grassie
Henderson: Andy Harrington
Sheriff Peters: Ted Wenskus

Stage directions read by Cate Barratt

Audio edited by Jeff Moon

This recording may be freely downloaded and distributed, as long as the Online Stage is credited as the author. It may not be used for commercial purposes or distributed in an edited or remixed form.

The Online Stage is a collective of actors and narrators who have come together to present high quality recordings of classic drama in audio format. For further information or to view our catalogue please visit onlinestage.org