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Next Episode: 2 - Iseult of Ireland

Tristram and Iseult
A dramatic poem

By Matthew Arnold

There were two Iseults who did sway
Each her hour of Tristram's day!
But one possess'd his waning time,
The other his resplendent prime.
Behold her here, the patient flower.
Who possess'd his darker hour!
Iseult of the Snow-White Hand
Watches pale by Tristram's bed.
She is here who had his gloom,
Where are thou who hadst his bloom?
One such kiss as those of yore
Might thy dying knight restore!
Does the love-draught work no more?

Narrator - Denis Daly
Tristam - Graham Scott
1) The Page; 2) Iseult - Olivia Sundeen
The Dames - Jennifer Fournier and Cate Barratt
1) Huntsman; 2) Merlin - Peter Thomlinson

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