Beth Bartlett, Ph.D, is an educator, author, activist and spiritual companion.  She returns to the show today discussing how the Burning Times of yesteryear actually still affects women today.  I'll ask her about this historical trauma and how it operates in the world and why healing from trauma requires a spiritual response.  We'll delve into feminist spirituality and how that movement is a valuable part of this healing, particularly the reclamation of the immanence of the Divine.  Lots to talk about today, including the importance of Carol Christ's piece, Why Women Need the Goddess - as well as the world.  You can check out her previous appearance on the show on February 15 when we discussed Restoring Sisterhood.

Beth is Professor Emerita of Women, Gender and sexuality Studies at the University of Minnesota-Duluth and the author of numerous books and articles, including Journey of the Heart: Spiritual Insights on the Road to a Transplant, Rebellious Feminism: Camus's Ethic of Rebellion and Feminist Thought, and Making Waves: Grassroots Feminism in Duluth and Superior.  She's been active in feminist, peace and justice, and rights of nature and climate justice movemts, and has been a committed advocate for water protectors.