Video   Show Notes Adam Culp @adamculp Chris Cornutt @enygma Anna Filina @afilina James Titcumb @asgrim Michelangelo van Dam @DragonBe Conferences Sunshine PHP Lonestar PHP ConFoo PHP Southcoast PHP Benelux Audio

The post What Conference Organizers Wish Speakers Knew appeared first on Voices of the ElePHPant.



Show Notes

Adam Culp @adamculp
Chris Cornutt @enygma
Anna Filina @afilina
James Titcumb @asgrim
Michelangelo van Dam @DragonBe


Sunshine PHP
Lonestar PHP
PHP Southcoast
PHP Benelux


The post What Conference Organizers Wish Speakers Knew appeared first on Voices of the ElePHPant.

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