Dr. Justin Moody, DDS is an internationally known dentist, entrepreneur, instructor and speaker in the fields of dentistry, practice management, technology and Implantology. Dr. Moody has numerous dental practices in Nebraska and South Dakota.  He is also the founder of Implant Pathway, a leading Midwest dental CE provider.  Dr. Moody is one of the most credentialed Implantologists in the country, with credentials including: Diplomate - American Board of Oral Implantology; Diplomate, Master and Fellow - International Congress of Oral Implantologists; Fellow and Associate Fellow - American Academy of Implant Dentistry; Master and Fellow - Misch International Implant Institute; Adjunct Professor - University of Nebraska Medical Center and Mentor - Kois Center. Find out more about Dr. Justin Moody by visiting justinmoodydds.com or implantpathway.com