It's Our 1 Year Anniversary!!!

To celebrate the first year of the Voices of Deconversion podcast, I decided to do something different. I wanted to do something that reflected on our first year.

If you listen to the podcast you'll know that I love quotes (I start each episode with one). I combined that with the podcast's goal of encouraging atheist & agnostic ex-Christians. The result is a compilation of quotes from my guests.

One of my favorite questions to ask is: When you think about a person who's just deconverted, what encouragement or piece of guidance would you give them?

I took each of my guests' answers to that question and compiled them together for this episode. Although there are a few themes, each guest gave a unique response. I really enjoyed listening back through to them.

Thank you VOD listeners! It has been so much fun this past year. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you tuning into the podcast. It's been wonderful getting to know so many of you.

I love hearing from listeners, even just a quick hello. I'm most active on Twitter @vodpodcast, but you can always email me [email protected]

Thanks for a great year!