On this week's episode, we talked to Chelsea Kim about why the banking industry (and all industries, for that matter!) need to focus on kindness, and how “paying it forward” can be a business principle.

🟠About Chelsea Kim
Chelsea Kim is the Co-Founder and Head of Marketing and Operations at BELLA, a lifestyle brand with the first conversational banking experience 100% powered by love. BELLA is challenging the status quo, building a movement by injecting love, beauty, and empathy into business.

Building businesses is in Chelsea’s blood. After starting her career in healthcare operations 10 years ago, she moved into technology, and
for the past 6 years, she’s turned her focus to building infrastructure for startups in Silicon Valley. When New York started calling her name,
Chelsea moved to Manhattan and joined the BELLA team with a single purpose: to build her dream company focused on community and
connection first.

In short, Chelsea is building the company she always wanted to work with, one based on inclusivity, kindness, and equality. Chelsea and BELLA are leading by example and changing the world in the process.

🟠Connect with Chelsea Kim
Follow Chelsea Kim on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chelsea-k-9142887/
Follow Bella Loves Me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bellalovesme/
Check out Bella Loves Me at https://www.bellaloves.me/

🟠Would you like to read the full interview? Access the transcript on our blog at https://voicesofcx.com/pay-it-forward-with-empathy-a-new-way-to-bank-chelsea-kim/?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_medium=description

🟠Connect with the Voices of CX
Follow Worthix on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/worthix
And Follow Worthix on Twitter: @worthix
Follow Mary Drumond on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/marydrumond/
And Follow Mary Drumond on Twitter: @drumondmary

🟠About Voices of CX Podcast
The Voices of CX Podcast is a podcast that covers all things business strategies, customer decision insight, empathetic leadership practices, and tips for sustainable profitability. With a little bit of geeking out on behavioral science, A.I. and other innovation sprinkled in here and there. The guests span multiple industries, but all of them have years of experience to bring to the table.

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