With Jon moving to Thailand in the next few weeks, we've decided to start a new regular series where we catch up, share our experiences and dig deep into the cool and weird ideas and situations we've been encountering. You, dear listeners, have repeatedly asked us to share more of what we get up to in life and in the making of the show, so here – finally – is what you've been asking for!

For this first episode, Jon talks about the psychological and emotional challenges of switching to freelancing. Without the reassurance of a monthly pay-cheque he's having to deal with a constant stream of challenges that push all of his insecurity buttons: bartering, drawing boundaries with disrespectful clients, taking on daunting projects with tight deadlines, and much more besides. Freelancing is meant to bring greater freedom in life, but when you're hustling to make a few bucks, how do you carve out the time to actually enjoy that 'freedom'?

And what about Thailand? Would you be willing to travel long-term? What're the pain-points of embracing a digital nomad lifestyle?

In this episode, we also get deep into social psychology: Jon's been watching Derren Brown shows which expose just how susceptible we all are to social pressure and social conformity – even to the point of committing horrifying acts of violence. We talk about how to avoid being controlled by other people, highlight key psychological experiments that reveal how easily manipulated we can be, and how to deal with cultural differences without defaulting to stereotypes.

Plus, Andrea's had a personal revelation: he finally understands some of the core tenets of Stoicism and how impermanence and meaning are emotionally connected in our minds. Needless to say, this swiftly becomes part of Andrea's New Ten Commandments.

Links: Derren Brown's incredible shows, Sacrificeand The Pushon Netflix


Be Silly. Be Kind. Be Weird.