Ekata is the new standard in global identity verification, providing businesses worldwide the ability to link any digital transaction to the human behind it. Ekata helps cross-border digital commerce companies grow their revenue by maximizing predictability using our global identity verification product suite.

Listen to the podcast to find out:

Ripping off the PSD2/SCA Bandaid and committing to the deadlineSCA education for MerchantsWhat merchants should ask their payment providersMerchant Data Gathering Standardisation for AcquirersAccepting good customers through SCA dataHow to optimize your fraud ratesThe impact of Covid19How to find the balance between false declines and fraudAnd More!

If you’re curious to find out more about how Ekata can grow your revenue through their global identity verification product, please reach out to Spencer McLain (Ekata) for a conversation.

About PaymentGenes's "Voices In Payments" - The Future of Payments podcast:

The “Voices in Payments” Podcast, is an initiative launched by PaymentGenes to positively impact the payments community, by educating and connecting the market with vertical-specific industry expertise.

PaymentGenes Empowers Business growth by providing expertise-driven Recruitment, Contracting, Business Strategy Consult, and Data Strategy Services. These services all resolve and intersect around payments. Learn more about how we can help your business here.