Forgiving is an essential tool, the Star Beings say, for clearing out emotional reactions to past events that we still carry, often without realizing it. Forgiving ourselves for words or actions that hurt others, for creating experiences that hurt us, even forgiving our higher Self and Source for creating a life plan that allowed us to be hurt. Forgiving others who hurt us, to free ourselves from carrying the energy of that experience and our connection to them.
So what is forgiveness? How is it different from justice? Are they connected?
Forgiveness doesn’t mean accepting actions or words of others that hurt us, or allowing anyone to hurt us again. Forgiveness is leaving the past behind, including our emotional reactions to it, allowing us to create something a new life based on who we are now, rather than who we have been.
Forgiveness is a energetic process that frees us, not anyone else. Everyone has to do it for themselves. The Star Beings teach us an energetic exercise to forgive and dissolve regret, guilt, anger, resentment and other negative emotions we carry.