Katie Rinaldo is a removable technician that sees a way to improve a patient's experience and satisfaction all while, at the same time, making a better life for herself. But unnessicary laws are preventing this. Katie has decided to start a long, hard, and expensive journey to make denturism legal in Illinois. While everyone might not agree with it, you can't deny the postive results where it is legal.
Illinois Denturist Association (IDA) Website (https://illinoisdenturist.com/)
Denturism for Illinois Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/196849741202802/)
Come see Elvis and Barb for a full day of recording LIVE face-to-face at LMT LAB DAY EAST.
Saturday Oct 12 · Philadelphia, PA (https://lmtmag.com/shows/lmt-lab-day-east-2019)
Be sure to check out the AMAZING Nanoceramic Crystal Ultra® (https://crystalultra.com/voices/) from Digital Dental (https://digitaldental.com/) for an outstanding alternative to full arch restorations.
Not all 3D printers are the same. If looking to expand or start your 3D printing digital workflow be sure to check out the Asiga printer (https://whipmix.com/products/asiga-max/) from Whip Mix (https://whipmix.com/). The Asiga MAX is the world’s most advanced lab 3D printer offering exceptional productivity in a small footprint.
Special Guest: Katie Rinaldo.

Katie Rinaldo is a removable technician that sees a way to improve a patient's experience and satisfaction all while, at the same time, making a better life for herself. But unnessicary laws are preventing this. Katie has decided to start a long, hard, and expensive journey to make denturism legal in Illinois. While everyone might not agree with it, you can't deny the postive results where it is legal.

Illinois Denturist Association (IDA) Website

Denturism for Illinois Facebook page

Come see Elvis and Barb for a full day of recording LIVE face-to-face at LMT LAB DAY EAST.

Saturday Oct 12 · Philadelphia, PA

Be sure to check out the AMAZING Nanoceramic Crystal Ultra® from Digital Dental for an outstanding alternative to full arch restorations.

Not all 3D printers are the same. If looking to expand or start your 3D printing digital workflow be sure to check out the Asiga printer from Whip Mix. The Asiga MAX is the world’s most advanced lab 3D printer offering exceptional productivity in a small footprint.

Special Guest: Katie Rinaldo.