When given an opportunity to learn how another lab is run, one should always listen because you never know what you might pick up. Cirenia Tobon learned the trade from her uncles in Mexico. After moving to the US and running her own lab, she now runs the removable department at Pro-Craft Dental Laboratory (https://www.pro-craft.com/) in California. Dylan Schubert grew up in his father's lab and after realizing how much he loves it, became the classic 2nd generation lab owner. Together they talk about all the great things they are doing in their lab like hiring, training, workflows, and the move from analog to digital.
Have you seen the high prices of precious metal these days? Kulzer Refining (https://www.kulzerus.com/en_us/en_us/heraeuspreciousmetalsrefining/scraprefining.aspx) knows that you are using less Precious metal in your lab these days, but if you send in half of what you sent in 5 years ago ,your scrap return will be higher than it was 5 years ago! You won’t believe how much money your scrap is worth right now!
Kulzer Refining reimbursement to you is after their 10% refining fee. They have zero additional fees! If you need any free shipping containers, which contain a UPS prepaid, full insured label, please visit
mydental360.com/refining or call the Director of Precious Metal Refining, Tony Circelli, directly at
(914) 906-1843. Mention the Voices From the Bench podcast and Kulzer Refining will add an extra 5% to your scrap! Kulzer Refining. Tested, Trusted, and Honest.
Whip Mix (https://www.whipmix.com/) is thrilled to announce their most recent addition to their milling product line. Introducing the DWX-53DC (https://www.whipmix.com/products/roland-dgshape-dwx-53dc-dental-mill/) from DGSHAPE. This powerful mill satisfies your 'NEED FOR SPEED'. Three reasons to consider this mill:
1. It has 3 times the gripping power for PMMA.
2. It mills 30% faster.
3. The integrated webcam allows you to monitor a milling project from anywhere, on any device.
Go to tinyurl.com/WhipMixRolandMill to learn how you can take your milling to the next level.
Special Guests: Cirenia Tobon and Dylan Schubert.

When given an opportunity to learn how another lab is run, one should always listen because you never know what you might pick up. Cirenia Tobon learned the trade from her uncles in Mexico. After moving to the US and running her own lab, she now runs the removable department at Pro-Craft Dental Laboratory in California. Dylan Schubert grew up in his father's lab and after realizing how much he loves it, became the classic 2nd generation lab owner. Together they talk about all the great things they are doing in their lab like hiring, training, workflows, and the move from analog to digital.

Have you seen the high prices of precious metal these days? Kulzer Refining knows that you are using less Precious metal in your lab these days, but if you send in half of what you sent in 5 years ago ,your scrap return will be higher than it was 5 years ago! You won’t believe how much money your scrap is worth right now!

Kulzer Refining reimbursement to you is after their 10% refining fee. They have zero additional fees! If you need any free shipping containers, which contain a UPS prepaid, full insured label, please visit

mydental360.com/refining or call the Director of Precious Metal Refining, Tony Circelli, directly at

(914) 906-1843. Mention the Voices From the Bench podcast and Kulzer Refining will add an extra 5% to your scrap! Kulzer Refining. Tested, Trusted, and Honest.

Whip Mix is thrilled to announce their most recent addition to their milling product line. Introducing the DWX-53DC from DGSHAPE. This powerful mill satisfies your 'NEED FOR SPEED'. Three reasons to consider this mill:

1. It has 3 times the gripping power for PMMA.

2. It mills 30% faster.

3. The integrated webcam allows you to monitor a milling project from anywhere, on any device.

Go to tinyurl.com/WhipMixRolandMill to learn how you can take your milling to the next level.

Special Guests: Cirenia Tobon and Dylan Schubert.