Elvis and Barb are excited to bring you a conversation they had with Lou Azzara, the CEO of Dental Services Group (DSG) (https://www.dentalservices.net/). Lou started in the industry with Captek and now he oversees 40+ labs across the United States. He talks about how DSG handled COVID and their predictions for life after COVID. Lou explains his inspirations and why it is extremely important to him that each lab, each technician, and each patient gets treated with the care they deserve. It’s okay to fail, as long as you fail forward.
We all do zirconia. There are many options out there. Are you using multi-layered zirconia? You should. Vericore ZR Pro ML (https://whipmix.com/products/vericore-zr-pro-multi-layer/) from Whip Mix (https://whipmix.com/) is a fantastic multi-layered zirconia that is designed with a built-in gradation of color that closely mimics that of natural dentition. Call Whip Mix today to learn more at 800-626-5651. Special Guest: Lou Azzara.

Elvis and Barb are excited to bring you a conversation they had with Lou Azzara, the CEO of Dental Services Group (DSG). Lou started in the industry with Captek and now he oversees 40+ labs across the United States. He talks about how DSG handled COVID and their predictions for life after COVID. Lou explains his inspirations and why it is extremely important to him that each lab, each technician, and each patient gets treated with the care they deserve. It’s okay to fail, as long as you fail forward.

We all do zirconia. There are many options out there. Are you using multi-layered zirconia? You should. Vericore ZR Pro ML from Whip Mix is a fantastic multi-layered zirconia that is designed with a built-in gradation of color that closely mimics that of natural dentition. Call Whip Mix today to learn more at 800-626-5651.

Special Guest: Lou Azzara.