We all use music tech from companies like Spotify, Google, or Facebook, but we may be using it without really even knowing what’s involved. This next guest certainly knows and is here to explain to us how finance and acquisitions affect the music industry.  

Sun is a Partner and Head of Digital Media at Nfluence Partners. She has a passion for the music industry and has sold music tech companies to Facebook, YouTube/Google, SESAC, SOCAN, and Spotify amongst others.   

With her expertise in investment banking, Sun offers amazing advice to music startups and entrepreneurs on getting their business funded, and what kind of strategic moves will help them succeed.  

Big Takeaway: There are a lot of really exciting verticals for music outside of just the explosion of growth in streaming. Some of the verticals include gaming, social, and fitness, and we are likely to see an influx of acquisitions in those sectors for music-related companies. 

Voices Behind The Music is presented by Feed Media Group and produced by Growth Network Podcasts