Have you ever wondered why working out is so much better with music? Why does music affect us this way? What happens in the brain? Well, wonder no more, because Professor Costas Karageorghis is here to explain it! He discusses different aspects of study he has and continues to engage with, his projections for innovations in music and fitness, and why he is such a lover of jazz music.  

Professor Costas Karageorghis’ expertise is in the psychological, psychophysical, and neurophysiological effects of music in exercise and sport. His scientific output includes over 200 scholarly articles, 12 chapters in edited texts, and the text 'Inside Sport Psychology' (Human Kinetics). He has recently published a second text, 'Applying Music in Exercise and Sport' (Human Kinetics), as well as an associated study guide. He is also an accomplished jazz piano player and still performs his music.  

Big Takeaway: One of Costas’ current projects involves creating bespoke pieces of music for individuals based on personality tests.  

Follow Costas on social Twitter: @SAVIBrunel Spotify: Brunel SAVI Group (@SAVIGroup) 

Voices Behind The Music is presented by Feed Media Group and produced by Growth Network Podcasts