Previous Episode: McCain And A Catsuit

This week we're doing something a little different. Instead of getting the foreign angle of a story the popular media is covering, we're covering a story that has gone ignored in America. On Friday, two American tourists were stabbed in a train station in Amsterdam. The man who stabbed them was an Afghani immigrant and the stabbings were determined to be terror related. Where is Trump? Not even one tweet. We speak to Mark in Europe and find out what happened and why he thinks this story is being under-reported. Then, it's a deal! That's right, President Trump cut a new deal with Mexico this week and now it's Canada's turn. We head north and find out from our Canadian voice if Trump and Trudeau can play nice. Finally, on Change Is Hard, Tony gets introduced to some social justice millennial slang as we discuss the latest no-boys-allowed festival in Sweden. Then CIH aims for the moon, but this time we're doing it for Chinese audiences.