We bring you an exclusive keynote speech by Ted Souder at The Retail Congress MENA Event. Ted is a former head of industry for retail at Google, given at the retail Congress MENA event. In his speech titled "Embrace the Digital Change," Souder delves into the importance of embracing digital transformation in the retail industry and shares valuable insights on how businesses can adapt and thrive in the ever-changing digital world. From the early days of the internet to the recent pandemic, Souder takes us on a journey through the evolution of technology and its impact on the retail industry. He also highlights the success stories of businesses that invested in digital before or during the pandemic and how they are accelerating out of it. With the Middle East retail sector experiencing positive growth in both retail sales and e-commerce, Souder praises the region's ability to think big and create remarkable retail experiences. Tune in to be inspired and learn actionable strategies that will help you stay ahead of the curve in the retail industry.