Author and Academic Rinita Mazumdar is the 1st in Voice of the Revolution Radio's series on the 100th anniversary of the epoch-making event: The October Revolution that saw the Russian Republic fall apart and the Bolshevik faction of the RSDLP took charge, first in Petrograd, and eventually.....from the Baltic to the tip of Japan.

Rinita's main points on October:
*Bolshevik opposition to the Soviets allowed the centralization of power and created the germinate that would become the RSFR, and then the USSR
*Key reasons for the failure of the Russian Empire and Republic were the same -- War (WWI)
*War is a catalyst for revolution
*Is vanguardism necessary for a revolution?
*"Russia" as it existed, and as it is today, encompasses way too much land and too many seperate cultures and people to be a 'real' 'nation'. "Russia", as such, is a construction, just like the 'nation' of 'India'