Jakob & Ria unite for the first in a new series talking about issues of identity as well as physiology-- gender, sex, sexuality, transgenderism, even intersex-- we will cover as much as we can! In this episode we break down the fundamentals of sex and gender: What are they derived from, what do they mean, and how are they connected?

This is meant as a good introductory course for those unfamiliar with these concepts, as well as a good refresher for those interested in the latest in scientific research. A biological basis for gender has recently been discovered, & so it is of the utmost importance that those working with transgender issues are abreast of the latest information.

Please join us for this fun and informative session. Our next will be tackling that of sexuality and 'sexual orientation'.

Please note that the 'LGBT' is not meant to be an exclusionary label. In this conversation, we speak of 'Intersex' who are not represented in the quad-abbreviation. Please note it is for brevity's purpose only that we have chosen to only use four letters. The 'alphabet soup' is growing at a rate faster than inflation these days and it is hard to keep up. Thank you.