Max starts off talking about Scott Pruitt, otherwise known to Max as Mr. Pathetic, but also explains why he feels sorry for Scotty. Then he segue’s quite badly into cars and tariffs, in particular Mercedes Benz which seems to be a fixation for the Donald. Max also finds time to go over the state of English soccer in the World Cup, which he finds very stressful indeed. This is all based on England’s national team usually finding a way to lose even after leading for most of the game. Max then gets into for detail about Scott Pruitt, who Max calls the ultimate Swamp Rat, in particular, the fact that Pruitt is facing over one dozen investigations into his appalling behavior. But It seems Trump likes Pathetic Pruitt as Pruitt constantly calls the Donald a great guy, apparently that’s enough to keep your job if you work for the Donald. Next Max names who wants and why he should be the next Supreme Court Justice, and passes the information on to Trump, after all Sean Hannity and Trump do listen to Max. Next Max talks about Wilbur Ross, Trumps Commerce Secretary who it seems is more senile than Trump.