Max thinks he is going to get right into the horrible situation on the border where kids are taken away from their parents so the parents can be prosecuted. However, much to Max’s amazement he has hot new news that came right across his desk before his broadcast which means he has to spend time trying to understand some rather jaw dropping statistics, although Max does find time to explain how his new workout routine is wearing him out, in particular something known as “planks.” After some prodding from his producer Dan, Max gets back on track with the amazing stat that Donald Trump has lied well over 3000 times since his election. In fact according to the stats, Donald’s lying is actually getting worse, along with all his Tweeting which Max has always said is a window into Trumps soul. And it’s only getting worse because the Trump Whisperer, Hope Hicks is no longer in the White House. Max then digs into something called “truth bias”, which is essentially means that we expect the best from people and that we are always willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Max comes to an unexpected conclusion that talking about all this is somewhat therapeutic. 

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