Join Sheikh Sharjeel Ahmed and Dr. Tariq Bajwa for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing: The Messiah has come/ Holocaust memorial day

The Messiah has come: True prophets are always victorious over their opponents

Since mankind came to its senses, it has been guided by prophets calling them to the one true Lord. Despite their pious message, prophets have always had to face enemies who wish
to stop their peaceful message of light from shining.

Join us LIVE from 4pm as we discuss how ultimately, prophets are always victorious over
their opponents.

Holocaust Memorial Day

We mark Holocaust Hemorial Day to remember all those lives lost in the Holocaust and the genocides that took place after it.
Join us LIVE from 5pm GMT

Guests include:
Smajo Beso ( Survivor of Bosnian genocide)
Abdul Kan Yenzi (Survivor of genocide against Tutsi in Rawanda)
Laura Marks ( Chair of holocaust memorial day trust)

Produced by: Maha Khan & Ulia Chaudhary