Title: Caliphate as a guide for Leaders

Synopsis: This week the Pathway to Peace team will be taking a look at Leadership and what it truly means to lead and guide the people to a state of peace after fear. We have seen across the globe the tensions that exist between the masses and their respective Governments -be it in the UK with the criticism of the Government’s interpretation of the lockdown rules for special advisers, civil unrest that is once again rearing its head in Hong Kong through to the rioting that has been taking place in the US following the tragic death of George Floyyd while in police care. What examples can we learn from the leadership of His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Khalifa of Islam, in his quest for spreading peace throughout the world.

Presenters: Sarah Ward, Reem Shraiky, Hafia Khan & Dr Aalia Khan