Title: Ramadan: Retrospection and The Eid Sermon

Synopsis: This week the Pathway to Peace team will be taking a retrospective look at Ramadhan 2020 -the Ramadhan that was under lockdown. But in particular, the panel will be exploring why we as humans can sometimes fall after Ramadhan and revert back to our old ways and habits. What advice and techniques can Islam give us to help maintain the good deeds and habits that were carried out during this blessed month? In the final segment of the show, the panel will reflect on the wise words of His Holiness, the Khalifa of Islam, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad who delivered his Eid Sermon today that was attentively listened by many across the globe.

Presenters: Nasir Sajjad, Shams Najum & Kalim Anwe