Title: Achieving Socio-Economic Peace: is racism born out of economic inequality?

Synopsis: This week the Pathway to Peace team will be looking at the current racial tensions that are beginning to surface across the first-world countries, in light of the killing of a black man, George Floyd, by police in Minnesota, USA. As Prime Minister Boris Johnson talks about setting up a Commission for Racial Inequality, the panel will be examining whether the economic inequality that exists within society provides the fertile ground for breeding racism. If society operated within a just economic model, would racism disappear? The panel will then look at possible solutions in addressing the root causes of racism and economic inequality, by finding guidance on how Islam stopped such ugly practices over a millennium ago and what practical advice the Khalifa of Islam, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, has provided to the world at large.

Presenters: Nasir Sajjad & Kalim Anwer