Title: True Friendship: Honouring the Rights of Others

Synopsis: The Holy Qur'an, and the traditions of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) outline teachings on fundamental rights that must be honoured and fulfilled. It is only by adhering to these teachings that true peace and harmony can emerge within society. When this is done, and true belief in God is established, then the world can move towards establishing true peace.

In this week's episode of Pathway to Peace, the presenters will be examining the final address at this year's Annual Convention, the Jalsa Salana, by His Holiness Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba). The analysis will cover the rights due to friends, the sick and the orphaned. A special look will be taken at the role of oaths and their relevance in the modern world.

Presenters: Arif Khan & Sufyan Farooqi