Join Safeer Zartasht Khan and Rabeeb Mirza for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing:Genetic Editing/Philosophy behind crime and punishment

Genetic Editing: Livestock and Food crops
The UK could soon legalise gene editing of crops and livestock for consumption, potentially revolutionising the farming industry. Join us LIVE from 4pm as we discuss this whilst reflecting on concerns from animal welfare groups.

The Philosophy Behind Crime and Punishment
Islam is not only a religion but also a civilisation and social order based upon revealed principles. Therefore, there are clear guidelines on civil behaviour and how it should be enforced. Join us LIVE from 5pm as we consider the philosophy of crime and punishment in Islam.

Guests include:

Professor Dale Sanders: (Director of the John Innes Centre)

Dr Mike McGrew: (A group leader at The Roslin Institute, UK)

Dr Sarah Davidson Evanega: (Director of the Alliance for Science)

Sir Dr Iftikhar Ahmad Ayaz KBE, OBE: (Honorary Consul for Tuvalu, Chairman International Human Rights Committee)

Produced by: Ruhi Yaqub, Arub Anwar and Iffat Mirza