The show starts with a melodious title song presenting the vision of Poets For Peace Show.
The show consists of 3 segments, Symphony, Viewpoint and Inspirational.
Symphony segment presents poems of Rabia Salim, Bushra Khan, Iram Wooley, Mariyam Bonsu and Yvonne Butt from UK
and also also a kid’s section of poems from a group of little girls from Leicester. There is also a poem by Tazien Mirza from
Calgary, Canada and a poem by Durresameen Allom from Cape Town, South Africa.
Viewpoint segment contains an interview with Hannah Milton, a well travelled, multilingual teacher with a passion to connect
with diverse cultures.
Inspirational segment commences with a Quranic verse related to global family concept and its elaboration.
It also includes an interesting clip about the Divine Attribute of Love.
There is a poem by the Promised Messiah peace be upon him sung by Farah Mirza, followed by its brief commentary by
Rameen Masood.